Unleashing Unparalleled Innovation with Threechain Australia

About Us

We Are Threechain Australia, where we preserve the raw, real, and unfiltered spirit of independent creation. We don’t just participate; we pioneer, crafting our path, unwavering against tides and norms, standing as the most unique corporate entity in the business world. Our independence fuels us, and our creativity defines us. We are here to not just participate but to commandeer the global stage, vowing to architect the biggest, most impactful businesses the world has ever witnessed. We don’t follow; we lead. We don’t adapt; we define. In our world, every strategy is a rebellion against the ordinary, every creation a new benchmark, and every venture a voyage towards uncharted territories of success and impact. Join Us in this Unbridled Voyage of Creation, Innovation, and Unwavering Triumph. Your Vision, Amplified by Our Strategy. Together, Let’s Redefine the Global Business Pantheon


Ideation & Conceptualization

$1,000 - $5,000

Visual Identity Creation

$500 - $3,000

Digital Presence

$2,000 - $10,000

Strategic Rebranding

$2,000 - $7,000

Business Consultation & Strategy

$100 - $200/hr

Legal & Financial Framework

$150 - $300/hr

Business Support Services

$1,000 - $5,000


Startup Success Package

$ 4,000
  • Basic Logo Design
  • Business Card Design
  • Landing Page Website

Entrepreneurial Excellence Package

$ 1,500 MONTH
  • Consulting Sessions
  • Ongoing Brand Management
  • Quarterly Refresh Of Marketing Materials

Business Legal & Finance Pack

$ 2,500
  • Access to accountancy reviews
  • legal consultation
  • monthly business strategy sessions


In the realms of Brand Development, we architect not merely brands, but legacies. Imbued with a relentless spirit of innovation, every identity we carve — through rebranding, logo creation, web development, or business identification — is a testament to an undeterred commitment to excellence and innovation. Bolstered by a network of elite professionals, our clients gain unparalleled access to premier accountancy, legal, and bookkeeping services, safeguarding their ventures through every triumph and tribulation, guided by over a decade of proven strategy and discernment.


Commercial Production

$10,000 - $100,000

Music Video Production

$5,000 - $50,000

Narrative Filmmaking

$20,000 - $200,000

Product and Studio Shoots

$1,000 - $10,000

On-Location Shoots

$5,000 - $50,000

Post-Production Services

$2,000 - $20,000

Advertising Strategy

$3,000 - $20,000


Basic Video

$ 12,000
  • A 1-2 minute professional video inclusive of script
  • Shoot
  • Post-Production

Continuous Content Creation

$ 6,000 MONTH
  • 1 short video per month for social media
  • marketing usage
  • ideal for continuous digital marketing

Complete Film

$ 2,500
  • Full-length video creation from concept to completion
  • includes pre-production
  • post-production


Enter Threechain Productions, where we are not merely filmmakers but unscripted visual poets. With a cumulative experience exceeding two decades, we don’t just create; we narrate, enchant, and captivate across a plethora of mediums, from commercial to narrative, wielding advanced technology to turn visions into visceral visual experiences, enchanting audiences and platforms globally.

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Digital Marketing


Social Media Management

$500 - $5,000 / MONTH

Paid Advertising

$1,000 + Ad Spend



Content Marketing

$500 - $5,000

Email Marketing

$300 - $2,000/month

PR Services

$2,000 - $10,000

Marketing Automation

$500 - $5,000/month


Social Media

$ 800 MONTH
  • Management of 2 social media platforms
  • bi-weekly content posts
  • basic engagement management

SEO Starter

$ 1,200 MONTH
  • On-page SEO for up to 10 pages
  • creation of 2 SEO-optimized blogs

Digital Marketing

$ 3,000 MONTH
  • Inclusive of social media management
  • basic SEO services
  • one email marketing campaign


In the vast arena of Digital Marketing, we are strategists, pioneers, and proven victors, wielding a repertoire of SEO, content marketing, and cross-platform digital expertise, charting courses through the digital cosmos that don’t merely elevate brands but immortalize them in the digital consciousness of varied audiences. We have navigated our way from obscurity to digital dominion, ready to transpose this proven strategic might onto ventures spanning scales and industries.


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